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发布时间:2022-03-29 03:29    浏览次数:
姓名 夏家曦 出生年月 1990.09  
职称/职务 校聘教授 学历/学位 研究生/博士
导师类别 硕导 E-mail jxxia@henau.edu.cn
指导学科/专业 农业电气化与自动化/电子信息工程
研究方向 智慧能源、微网协调控制、新能源技术
讲授课程 大数据技术、电工电子基础
承担科研项目及获奖情况 1. 河南农业大学拔尖人才项目,主持
2. 河南省科技攻关项目:中低温地热发电关键技术及系统集成研究,主持
3. 河南省科技攻关项目:低温可再生能源驱动分布式多联产系统关键技术研究,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:太阳能驱动的超临界CO2布雷顿循环发电系统能量匹配机理与全域调控方法研究,参与
1. JX Xia, JF Wang, JJ Hu, et al. Thermodynamic, economic, environmental analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel combined cooling and power system for cascade utilization of engine waste heat. Energy, 2023, 277:127623. (IF=9.0)
2. JX Xia, KH Zhou, YM Guo, et al. Preliminary design and CFD analysis of a radial inflow turbine and the turbine seal for an organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixture. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 209: 112647.  (IF=10.4)
3. JX Xia, YM Guo, Y Li, et al. Thermodynamic analysis and comparison study of two novel combined cooling and power systems with separators using CO2-based mixture for low grade heat source recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 215: 112918.  (IF=10.4)
4. JX Xia, KH Zhou, JF Wang, et al. Thermal design and CFD analysis of the radial inflow turbine for a CO2-based mixture transcritical Rankine cycle. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44,10:7938-56. (IF=4.6)
5. JX Xia, JF Wang, KH Zhou, et al. Thermodynamic and economic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel transcritical CO2 Rankine cycle with an ejector driven by low grade heat source. Energy, 2018, 161: 337-351. (IF=9.0)
6. JX Xia, JF Wang, HY Wang, et al. Three-dimensional performance analysis of a radial-inflow turbine for an organic Rankine cycle driven by low grade heat source. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 169: 22-33.  (IF=10.4)
7. JX Xia, JF Wang, G Zhang, et al. Thermo-economic analysis and comparative study of transcritical power cycles using CO2-based mixtures as working fluids. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018,144: 31-44. (IF=6.4)
8. JX Xia, JF Wang, JW Lou, et al. Thermo-economic analysis and optimization of a combined cooling and power (CCP) system for engine waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 128: 303-16.  (IF=10.4)